Bridge internship
The BRIDGE is a Christian leadership training program for young adults 18 + years old or High School graduate. The BRIDGE Interns will have an opportunity to not only make a difference in day to day ministry of Riverbend, but will provide an experience for young adults to develop gifts, skills and experience that will help them move into the next phase of their training, education and
Building – Kingdom, skills, gifts, passion
Relationship – Focuses on relationships with God, peers and your self
Interactive – Living, serving and learning as a community.
Discipleship – Emphasis on your walk with Christ
Growth – In character, maturity, and knowledge
Education – Excellent training in a practical setting

The program will be one year in length from Mid- August through the end of summer camp.
The program will concentrate on the following:
Personal growth, leadership and discipleship training
Classes focusing on personal/spiritual growth and Leadership development
Will include ministry trips and focus area training and work
Discovery of vocational and ministry passions
Emphasis on servant hood through working in various areas of camp ministry
BRIDGE students will be given priority when considering leaders for summer camp.

Lodging Provided
One intern per room, with a shared bath
Conference room as shared space for kitchen/dining/living space
Meals will be available anytime meals are served to guest groups of at least 30.
Fun Activities
Chili Cook-off
Fantasy Football
Oscar Party
Rangers Game
Movie Nights
Family Nights
Riverbend Programs
Group Outings
Work Schedule
Work in assigned area 20 to 35 hours per week
Discipleship and leadership classes twice per week
Off some Sundays and most Mondays
One week paid vacation after fall semester
Serve as Retreat Host
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10