financial support
Your donations...making a difference!
Riverbend serves over 25,000 people every year with over 9,000 of these attending summer camps. For many years now, one out of every four campers has made a spiritual decision and one out of every ten campers has made a profession of faith.

Every Dollar Counts
Every dollar donated to Riverbend goes to capital improvements. All operational expenses are covered by camp and retreat fees, which are very nominal compared to other camps and conference centers.
Riverbend uses volunteer builders almost exclusively. This stretches the funds given by our churches and individuals to accomplish far greater things for God’s kingdom.

Why Support Christian Camping?
Decisions for Christ— During Summer Camp, one out of every ten will make a profession of faith and one out of every four will make a significant spiritual decision. Each year more than 700 campers made professions of faith and many more make decisions to walk closer with the Lord, indicate a call to full time Christian service or other decisions.
Assists the Local Church - Riverbend partners with local churches to provide camps and retreats. This means that Riverbend is an extension of the local church promote and expand the church’s ministry.
Escape from the fast paced society - perhaps more than ever, people need to get away and spend personal time with God and fellow believers. Riverbend hosts groups of over 800 to individuals who want to spend time in a personal retreat.

What's Happening Now
In recent years, donations have allowed us to build the Rec Point, a 22,000 square foot recreation facility, begin the remodeling of Rock Creek Lodge, build a new bathhouse at the Outpost Camp, completed the remodel of the Worship Center and expand the Aqua Park at the Waterfront.
Currently, we are raising funds for a new Chapel, a need for summer camp as well as retreat season. We also need donations to complete the renovation of Rock Creek Lodge.
All donations go toward capital improvements and new programs that make a difference in camper's lives. Operational expenses are covered through guest and camper fees.
If you would like to visit with someone or would like more information about supporting Riverbend, please contact Brad Lambert, Executive Director,