reserved activities
Browse our gallery below for activities available.
 Archery TagClick image for more information. |  ArcheryClick Image for more information about Archery Range and Archery Tag. |  CampfireEach group can schedule a one-hour campfire at a designated area for a small fee. S'mores can be added at an additional cost. |
 Dino HikeA great opportunity for your group to experience and learn more about Riverbend's beautiful natural setting as you walk the creak bed to the dinosaur tracks. |  Frontier Paintball CoureClick Image for more information on the Paintball Range and Paintball Course. |  The JungleClick Image for more information. |
 Skeet ShootingPractice your target shooting with our hybrid bend shooting range.
Shotguns, shells, clays, and safety gear provided. * |  Swimming PoolClick Image for more information. |  WaterfrontClick Image for more information. |
 ZiplineClick Image for more information. |